UID: UP/2022/0324156

Reg. No. U85300UP2022NPL169463

UID: UP/2022/0324156
Reg. No. U85300UP2022NPL169463

All Donations are exempted Under Section 80 G(5)(IV) of Income Tax Act 1961.

Sponsor a Child

Hello Sponsorer,

Your support could help a child and his or her community have a brighter future. You can support a child, an event, a crippled or impoverished child’s operation, specialized care for diseased youngsters, a mother and child, women’s vocational training, and many other things. You must give Rs. 5000/- per term to sponsor a child’s holistic treatment (Five thousand). This includes meals, educational materials such as books, bags, and uniforms, school or hostel fees, clothing, leisure activities, and caretaker costs. Sponsored children’s progress reports are delivered to their generous sponsors.

Sponsor a Child

Use the Form Given Below to Become a Sponsor for betterment of a Child’s Life.

1 Years
IN Service
Patients Helped
100 +
People Served
0 +
Plates Served